Licence to chill

Top cameraman reveals how new Bond movie includes fight scenes filmed under frozen lake He’s known for being ice cool under pressure. But James Bond is set to reveal hidden depths with underwater fight scenes filmed 16ft below the surface of a frozen lake. Actor Daniel Craig – on his last appearance as the suave superspy – … Continued

Elton doodles for dinner

A SOLO musician since he left the group Bluesology more than five decades ago, is Sir Elton John planning to start his own band again? For I can reveal that he has taken to calling his family ‘the Johnettes’, in the manner of a Sixties pop combo. Sir Elton took his husband, the film-maker David … Continued

Michelle makes her Mark in Hollywood

Actress Michelle Keegan is all smiles as she makes a big impression in Hollywood… well, at Universal Studios, at least. The star of Army drama Our Girl held hubby Mark Wright’s hand on a theme park trip in California, where he is a correspondent on TV entertainment show Extra. They have been househunting in LA … Continued

Michelle could be L.A. woman

Our girl star Michelle Keegan is only following hors d’ouevres as she heads off alone after an LA lunch with hubby Mark Wright. And Michelle, 30, could be set to hang up her dog tags for good as she tries out a Hollywood posting to support Mark in his career. Our exclusive photos of the couple come … Continued

Michelle has got the Wright time

Our Girl star and hubby to be together more in 2018 Michelle Keegan has a simple New Year’s resolution – to see more of her husband Mark Wright. Pals of the Our Girl actress say she is delighted they are reunited for Christmas after eight months apart. Mark has been in America trying to carve out … Continued